Soul Soothing Bowls founder Ali Palmer
Hi, Im Ali P, Yin yoga teacher, vibroacoustic massage healer and Tibetan singing bowl practitioner. There is much anecdotal information about the call of the Tibetan singing bowls and how they find their rightful owners. I’d like to share my story.
How the bowls found me …
… my story
In early 2020 I was in India for the first time, grieving the loss of my Mum, my Dad and another close family member; my business of 11 years had gone into liquidation and I was broke and broken! My heart was broken with grief and loss.
I travelled to India to get away from it all. It was a distraction and a bucket list ‘tick’ for me. I wanted to buy a singing bowl, while at Sarnath (where Buddha gave his first sermon after enlightenment), I didn’t even know why, I just wanted one - as a yoga accessory I guess.
The buying process was chaotic, which anyone who’s been to India will know, lots of shouting, negotiating vendors following you along the street, bargaining and lowering the price. My husband, Tim, was with me and fending off an overly excited vendor who’d followed us for several stalls. I paused at a different stall and spotted a bowl, I may have touched it, I don’t know I can’t remember, but without any perceivable negotiation it was wrapped in newspaper and slipped into my bag, Tim was stumping up a very reasonable price for it.
I hadn’t played it and yet here it was.
Later I was to discover it was a heart chakra bowl, how strange that it should find its way into my hands - my heart so broken at the time.
Later on that trip, a chance meeting with a man called Altaf and my life took a turn I could never have imagined.
Altaf had a jewellery store in Goa, he and I became friends as I daily, sometimes twice-daily, visited and bought some beautiful pieces to bring home. He had a display of magnificent bowls, many with mantra carvings and beautiful designs. One evening Altaf started sharing his knowledge with me, despite the fact I didn’t buy one of his bowls, imagine Tim’s surprise when he walked in to find me after several hours, cross-legged on the floor of the shop gently tapping a bowl upside down on my head! Tibetan singing bowls - I was hooked!
Altaf taught me a great deal that day, but when I came home Covid had emerged, it was lockdown and our India trip was a distant memory. Except… I couldn’t stop thinking about the bowls I’d seen, and with no real agenda one day I messaged Altaf to ask if it were possible to send me some bowls – I thought some of my yoga friends might like them.
Fast forward two years and I’ve now handled many hundreds of handmade bowls Altaf’s sent me (I have created an online retail outlet) and not any one of them is the same – they all have their own character, their own layers of notes, resonance and healing energy. Some have feminine energy, some masculine, some are strong and confident, some are gentle and mild, some smooth, some bold. Just like humans every bowl is unique and different. Each bowl has its’ own healing vibrations to offer.
I’ve since added to my personal Sound Energy Medicine and Sound Healing qualifications learning as much as I can about these beautiful celestial healing bowls, and other instruments. Training with the acclaimed spiritual healer Lola Lhamo (Bali) and The International Sound Healing Academy. I continue to read and learn and am hoping to return to India this year to train with one of Altaf’s colleagues.
I’ve designed this website and training to share my knowledge with integrity and a high level of competency to anyone who is interested in these truly magical, ancient healing bowls.